Monday, March 22, 2010

Go ahead, send it in...

I just completed my 2010 Census.  It took me four for each member of my household.

It was very specific about making sure that these people lived here.  At this house.  All the time.

"Does this person stay anywhere else at any other time?"  I almost wrote by Dwayne's "Not if he knows what's good for him..."

Census takers are bound to need a light-hearted moment from time to time.

There's lots of spaces on the form for lots of kids.  But if the form was the same for the 1970 Census, my mom and dad would have run out.

Now there's a light-hearted moment for ya...

(Probably not for my mom and dad.)

christine sig


Anonymous said...

Wow, it took me longer than 4 minutes but I do remember thinking the same thing! not enough blanks for 11 kids. rw

Jessica - The Novice Chef said...

I just finished it this morning! Good for us! :-)