Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Games of the 29th No Sleep-iad

I don't think I can take another 11 days of late night Olympic action. Thank goodness I don't have to get up and face a real job every day...now I get to fall asleep on the sofa instead of sitting in a cubicle. Lucky for me (and my kids) Vancouver 2010 will occur in Pacific time; maybe I can handle a two-hour difference.

Instead of attempting to recap anything, though, I will say I am enjoying the brainiacs who are doing commentary. I'll leave you with these two gems. They are paraphrased to pretty-darn-close to what they actually said.

During synchronized diving:

"...we are often asked why the divers go directly to the showers after their dives. The answer is that the water in the pool is quite cold and they go to the showers to warm up, stay loose, and just have fun..."

During women's gymnastics after a floor exercise:

"...two years ago she begged her mother to let her leave the sport, but aren't we lucky she didn't because that was magical..."

Those whip-crackin' Olympic moms: what would we do without them...


The Bach 10 said...

Got your blog from the stay at home click on mine. I have been staying up late to enjoy the olympics too. We wondered about the showers?

~ Straight Shooter ~ said...

I almost pee on myself every damn night with the stupid stuff they say! Sheesh!