Thursday, July 31, 2008

Icing on my BlogHer '08 cake

You know when people win something and they say with a stupid grin ", I've never won anything in my life."

Well, that's not me.

Although I do have a stupid grin on my face. You would, too, if you'd just won this beauty:

Seems the kind folks at Symantec (the guys who make the trusted Norton security software) were having themselves a little drawing at BlogHer '08 and whaddya know...they picked me.

(What? You can't seem to read the horribly out of focus print on the picture? It's from Spafinder. As in, 250 smackaroos to use at a spahhhhhh!)

Hmm, when might I find time for that? Oh Peeettttte!


~ Straight Shooter ~ said...

I am drowning in envy.
Bright Green Slime kind.

Anonymous said...

You. Lucky. Dog.