Thursday, December 20, 2007

Where am I?

I think I recognize this place...what's that? My microwave? With a flashing 12:00? Yes! It is mine! And it's plugged in to my wall! In my house! The one with...brace yourselves, peoples...


As of 1:30 p.m. this afternoon our house is back in electric mode after nearly 12 days of nuttin'. And mom never moved so fast in her life, packing up what ended up being many, many bags of stuff we'd accumulated while we were on our 10-day vacation at her house. I think she probably flung it out the door at my sister (who graciously offered to bring it to Tulsa from Hometown) but she would never admit that...

I have a few pics to post of the frenzy of activity that we found around our house this morning, but right now I'm just enjoying being home and doing laundry. Yes, you read that right. I'm lovin' the laundry at home.

Wonder how long that'll last...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are home. I'm sure Mom misses you and the boys already! Can I bring some laundry with me when we come?


Anonymous said...

Ahem, jw, you forget, I'm getting there first. Dibs on Mama.
