Friday, August 10, 2007

I won a Babee!

Ahhhh, suddenly the cold damp of my Inbox is all warm and fuzzy again...I am a WINNER. Soon I will be the proud owner of the Babeebrite hands-free mobile light source, made especially with moms in mind. The drawing is complements of Five Minutes for Mom...which is worth a lot more surf-time than five minutes. These ladies rock.

Yes, I know I do not have a newborn requiring middle-of-the-night diaper changes, but I do have Alex: king of the late-night I'm-going-to-attempt-to-remove-my-diaper-even-while-wearing-pajama-pants. Somehow he manages to get in there and dismantle the whole thing, so every night after he falls asleep I sneak in, turn over his thirty-some-odd pounds, and put everything back together.

So thanks 5MFM. I will wear my Babeebrite with pride.

(And if you haven't checked out 5MFM...get over there now!)

1 comment:

Mom Tu-Tu said...

Lucky you! I signed up as well, but didn't win.