Wednesday, June 27, 2007

WFMW: Kids' socks in the car

I'm going to start keeping a pair of socks in the car for each of my boys for impromptu stops at indoor playgrounds.

Most indoor playgrounds require socks. I love this rule. But today I had to violate it because we stopped at McD's unexpectedly and the boys had sandals on. So off they went into the germ factory, shoeless and sockless. Ewwww! Yes, I know you seasoned moms out there are thinking I need to relax since boys' feet do come clean. But I have years to work on that. Just let me have my phobia, mmm-k?

So I'm going to start stashing an extra pair of socks in the car, even in the cooler months when they wear sneakers most of the time. Even if they're wearing socks, the socks take a beating and putting their shoes on over them is yucky.

I suppose this is a first: posting a Works for Me Wednesday tip that I haven't actually tried. But I know that extra socks in the car WILL Work for Me! (And so would playgrounds requiring gloves as well.)

For more great tips, visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer.


Kathleen said...

Great idea! They might also be used if it's raining hard out and their socks got soaked. They wouldn't have to wait till they got home to put on fresh socks!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of being prepared: Something I always carry in my purse for emergencies is a couple of those thin disposable latex gloves. What if you accidentally dropped your keys in a public toilet? These gloves are handy for handling unexpected messes you might not want to approach bare-handed.You might also stash a pair of socks and some old jogging shoes for yourself in the car trunk. These would be useful in case you have a car emergency and have to get out and walk (carrying a kid or two) and have on flip flops or pretty but nonsensible shoes. (Might save your new pedicure!)