Saturday, October 14, 2006


My little boy didn't nurse today. He's two days from being 13 months old. I've been wanting to wean him since he turned 1 but somehow I just wasn't ready for it either. I think it's a little that I hope he still needs me as much, and a little that it just means he's growing up.

I don't have anything profound to write about this; maybe I just think it's a milestone that ought to be acknowledged. I'm proud of the fact I nursed both boys for a year. I do feel like there are precious few things I KNOW are right with my parenting skills, but breastfeeding is one thing I never doubted...


Chilihead2 said...

You, my dear, are a fantastic mom. It is fantastic that you were able to nurse them for a year.

For the record, I've seen your parenting in action and I've watched your sons. You are a GREAT mom.

Blogger profile name said...

I have an almost 16-month-old who is down to nursing 3 times a day. That's the longest I've nursed any of mine. One day last week, I realized I had nursed her in the morning and then not again until almost 7 p.m.! I guess it's just a matter of time. You're entering a whole new phase of your relationship!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I understand. Tom was just a few weeks past 12 months when he self-weaned. When I realized he was done, it was so bittersweet.

But it should be acknowledged. Good for you for keeping it up for a year, and I'm glad your son is happy and healthy and secure and ready to move on to the next big thing.